Who’s got the Keys?

It’s a Tuesday night, you’ve got 3 people coming to see your rental property, that’s pretty good for a November, you rush home from work, grab a quick bite to eat, see your kids and race out the door. You get all the way to the property, and then…. Crap! The keys! I forgot the…

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Why Regular Inspections Make Sense

As a landlord, one of the most important tasks you should be performing is regular property inspections. We hear it time and time again that, “they are a great tenant…”, however, routine inspections can help prevent big problems down the road. They also indicate to a tenant the type of condition you expect the property…

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Top Tips for Buying a Rental Property

It seems at least once a week our company is introduced to someone interested in getting started in real estate investing. Sometimes they’re younger and sometimes they’re older, but regardless of the demographic they are taking positive steps to build wealth through real estate, which is amazing to see. As both a realtor and a…

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