No Passport Required

Given the numerous stories in the past few weeks featuring high gas prices long line-ups at the passport office, delayed, missed flights and vacations cancelled, I am resharing this Blog from last July.  It offers great ideas, and depending on where your adventure takes you, it supports local and often times a small family business. …

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Addressing Tenant Tensions

As a landlord you did what was necessary, you ran credit checks, ensured financial responsibility, references were contacted and verified, and security deposit was taken.   You’ve done everything possible to ensure your tenants will respect the property and pay rent on time. Even with the best tenant screening, you can’t prevent conflict and differences in…

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Backyard Fun

Well, it is that time of year again…school is winding down and the kiddies will be home for two months!  With fuel costs rising daily, many folks are choosing to stay a little closer to home this summer or shorten any travel trips they are planning. Kids need playtime, their own time! Creating a backyard…

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